Why oh why?

Living at 9000 feet can be diffucult when you really want to bake that fantastic chocolate cake on a beautiful wintery day. That delicious cake may just turn into delicious brownies. This site is to help other that live in the clouds to be successful in their baking endeavors. All recipes will be tested before posting and are adjusted for 9000+ feet.

3 responses to “Why oh why?

  1. This is so cool and helpful. All the packages for things come in “high altitude” versions for “3500-5500” feet. Sheesh.

  2. You realize you are a high altitude GODDESS, don’t you? I have a high altitude cheesecake recipe. I should use this excuse to double check it so that I can feel assured that it belongs here. Yum…

  3. Has anyone every had their cheesecake explode in the oven while cooking? This happened to me (we live at an elevation of 7300 ft). I also had a pecan pie explode too! Does anyone have a reason or solution (I thought maybe it might be oven temp, but I’m not sure)

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